A Christmas Carol a teatro

Mercoledì, 8 novembre 2023 gli alunni della IX classe si sono recati alla Casa della Cultura di Isola per vedere una rappresentazione in lingua inglese intitolata “A Christmas Carol”, messa in scena dall’ American Drama Group Europe. Alla fine dello spettacolo, gli alunni hanno espresso il loro gradimento con queste parole: 

"I liked the show a lot, the group of actors sing and act very well." (Vanja)

"I really enjoyed the show. The actors sang beautifully, and I really liked how they added the musical instruments in the scenes. I hope to see them again." (Sara)

"It was interesting how the director decided to represent the character of Tiny Timmy, Crutchit's disabled son, whose father was underpaid by Scrooge." (Egor) 

"The play was very entertaining, the actors were singing very lovely. It was easy to understand what they were saying. I liked the language they used because it really sounded old-fashioned." (Urška)

"It was really funny. I found it amazing the fact that they did the whole show with a small number of acting staff." (Enei)

"Lo spettacolino mi è piaciuto molto. Soprattutto gli attori hanno fatto un lavoro brillante. Con Scrooge il tutto era molto divertente. Vorrei vederlo ancora una volta!" (Yelizaveta)

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